NeLSound XAudio2 Driver (Update)

The project to run NeLSound on top of Microsoft’s new XAudio2 API is already nearing it’s final stages of development. The driver currently implements all basic functionality required by NeLSound,…

NeLSound XAudio2 Driver

I have recently started working on an XAudio2 driver for NeLSound, which will allow OpenNeL to make use of Microsoft’s new XAudio2 sound library (included in the latest DirectX SDK),…

Tryker Girl

Manga-style CG drawing of a girl (click the picture on the left to view it in it’s original resolution), roughly based on the Tryker race of the (French developed) MMORPG…

Robotic Creature

Leaving it at this I guess…

Snowballs – Part 1. Gameplay

Hi, I’m Kaetemi, currently sort of working on bringing Snowballs back alive. Snowballs is the prototype game of the open source OpenNeL MMORPG engine. I recommend brining a visit to…