Tag Archives: max file format

3ds Max File Format (Part 6: We get signal)

Let’s see what we can do now. INode *node = scene.container()->scene()->rootNode()->find(ucstring(“TR_HOF_civil01_gilet”)); nlassert(node); exportObj(“tr_hof_civil01_gilet.obj”, node->getReference(1)->getReference(1)); Plain easy, right?

3ds Max File Format (Part 5: How it all links together; ReferenceMaker, INode)

At this point, you should start to familiarize yourself a bit with the publicly available 3ds Max API documentation. The contents of the file map practically 1:1 with how the…

3ds Max File Format (Part 4: The first useful data; Scene, AppData, Animatable)

The most interesting part of this file is, evidently, the Scene. Opening it up in the chunk parser, it begins like follows, and goes on for a few ten thousands…

3ds Max File Format (Part 3: The department of redundancy department; Config)

Now we’ll have a look at the Config stream. It begins like follows, and goes on forever with various integer fields and other binary blobs. (StorageContainer) [15] { 0 0x2090:…

3ds Max File Format (Part 2: The first inner structures; DllDirectory, ClassDirectory3)

Now that we understand the outer structure of the file, it’s time to look closer to what’s inside. The DllDirectory stream looks like a good starting point. After cleaning up…

3ds Max File Format (Part 1: The outer file format; OLE2)

The 3ds Max file format, not too much documentation to be found about it. There are some hints here and there about how it’s built up, but there exists no…