A while ago, I made the first figure that I initially released on Shapeways available in bust format on Thingiverse. I was interested in seeing how different printers compare to each other on various details and features in the shape.
Here’s some pictures of what people have made so far.
The first one was printed by TheRuttmeister on a MakerBot.

Another one printed on a MakerBot, but this time printed by Skimbal, upside down at double scale.

The top of the head shifted a bit for some reason or another, but otherwise it looks quite decent.
Avantime printed one on a commercial printer, the Envisiontec Ultra.

Those machines have some fine detail quality.
And Schorhr printed one on his new PP3DP. The print failed halfway.

He also made another smaller print on the same machine.

For those of you who want to try printing the full figure, it’s available over at 3DMarvels.com, where you can also find an interesting selection of various other people’s designs. The smaller bust version can also be ordered and downloaded from Shapeways, if you do not have a 3D printer, but want to see what it looks like 3D printed in real life. In the near or far future I will release a complete figure on Thingiverse as well, whenever it is that it is ready.
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